Friday, January 29, 2010

Satirical Cartoon

This Satirical Cartoon is a parody because it's referring to the incident in Florida about a Student saying "Don't taze me Bro!!!". Gators are the mascot of Florida State.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Other Writings by Mark Twain

"The Man that corrupted Hadleyburg"
Someone in Hadleyburg had enough with the offensive environment, and he sought revenge caused by Hadleyburg's cruel intentions. So he made an evil plan to corrupt Hadleyburg.

"The Mysterious Stranger"
The person had missed Satan's visits to his lonely town and on one day, Satan did return, but only to say a final goodbye, since he was off to other places and would not return during this man's lifetime. The man asked if he would meet him in another life and Satan said that there is no other, enlightening the man to see that there is no afterlife or reincarnation of any sort. Almost an atheist view on life.

There is some satire in these stories, such as How the man wants to Corrupt a town that is almost corrupt on its own (The Man who corrupted Hadleyburg) and how Satan's presence made the man cheerful instead of dreadful (The Mysterious Stranger)

All three of the stories were done in 1st person, as if he is actually the character in the stories, and might have possible been in an experience such as the ones depicted in the stories. They could be fragments of his life. The themes in these stories have little in common with Huckleberry Finn, the only thing in common was between that book and The Mysterious Stranger is that the min characters were enlightened by what they learned in the end.

Life of Mark Twain

-Mark Twain was born on Nov 30, 1835 and died on April 21 1910, both of which when Haley's comet came by.
- He had a son and 3 daughters (Langdon, Susy, Clara, and Jean)
- On august 18, 1896 his daughter Susy died of meningitis at 24.
- In his last decade, his wife and other daughter had died, leaving him a very lonely author.
- Most important western writer did most of his wring on the East Coast or in Europe

Friday, January 22, 2010

The Onion Satire

-"We are moving quite cautiously and continuing to monitor the situation, because this appears to be a very serious pulled pork sandwich,"
-"There's a chance that Shaq could have gone back into the game, but with a pulled pork sandwich of that magnitude you can't be too careful. I've seen lesser ones knock a guy out for the rest of the season."
-"This is such a shame. A pulled pork sandwich this severe was the last thing Shaq needed at this point in the season,"
-"Shaquille will be in our thoughts and prayers," Cavaliers general manager Danny Ferry told reporters. "As a former player, I know that when you get older it becomes harder and harder to recover from a pulled pork sandwich that severe."
-Later in O'Neal's career, doctors discovered that the 7-foot-1-inch center's ability to shoot free throws was compromised by complications from chronic pulled pork sandwiches, a condition commonly known as "greasy digits."

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Norman Mailer

Norman Mailer's point of view seems to depict women writers as unentertaining or boring, possibly saying that women are inferior in writing due to their lack of a pair of testicles.He says that only when a whore becomes a call girl and tells her story would be when the story is interesting. He believes that women don't seem to fit the writer's criteria. I personally don;t believe that women are inferior when it comes to literature, but i do agree with the "call girl" story idea, it would be pretty interesting :).

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Similarities and differences

The similarity between the two stories were at the moment when she saw her "supposed dead" husband and when Ethan saw Mattie after hitting her, reality had struck them. The difference is that the woman had died from the shock that reality had on her, and Ethan was enlightened by the incident (in a bad way).

The difference is that the widow had a real sickness and Zeena had a false sickness.