Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Activity 7

What is wrong with Lady? What is the treatment? How much will it cost to treat her?

Lady was dying of kidney failure, so to treat her, the vet had to put her on dialysis for preparation for a kidney transplant, which will cost $15,000 for the procedure.

• What kind of person is Shawn Levering, her owner? How can you tell?

Shawn Levering is a caring person who has become connected with Lady, his pet. There seems to be a strong bond between them. I can tell Shawn is a caring person because he wants to keep Lady alive and wants to know how to take care of Lady.

• What kind of person is the veterinarian, Cathy Langston? How can you tell?

Cathy Langston is a determined woman who is caring and loving to her patients. I can tell this because of how she treats Lady while under her care, which is very carefully and gentle.

• Why do you think Shawn is willing to pay for Lady’s treatment? Is he the kind of person you would expect to pay for high-cost treatment for a pet?

Shawn is willing to pay for Lady's expenses because he has a strong emotional bond to the cat, even though he is in fact a dog person. I believe he is the type of person who is willing to pay 15,000 dollars to take care of their pet.

Part 3:

This part talks about people's connection with their pets and how it helps with their stress level, ultimately lowering the risk of blood pressure problems.

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