Thursday, October 1, 2009

The last meow, Act. 9


-Bilger uses words like "queen", "sleek", and "ermine" to compare Lady to a celebrity because Lady is the most important character (or animal) in this story, the story revolves around her.

-Bilger describes Shawn Levering as having "the specific gravity of a man who knows exactly where to reach for his tools", he also describes Shawn as a strong man, so it makes the situation more intense.

-The medical terminology is described as "Chronic Renal Failure", in other words: her kidneys weren't working. Bilger uses this terminology to greatly enhance the situation that Lady was experiencing.

-Lady represents the life that is on the line, Shawn represents the inner conflict between saving Lady at the cost of being in debt, or to let Lady die and save money. The issue that is represented in the first three paragraphs is in order to save Lady, they need $15000, which they don't have.


-In ending the paragraph with “The ferrets are called Larry, Mo, and Curly”, it seems that the author might get back to the ferrets at a later time.

-The purpose of having parentheses in the third sentence is to clarify where the AMC have gotten their cats from.

-Bilger gives us a long list of exotic animals to give an example of how experienced and skillful the vets are at AMC.


- These paragraphs differ from a newspaper's paragraphs in the way the paragraphs describe the evidence provided, these paragraphs will give a somewhat biased view, while the newspaper would be more unbiased.

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